Friday, January 20, 2006

One of My Favorite Authors

A Thread of Grace
by Mary Doria Russell

I've been planning to read this book since it was first published because Mary Doria Russell is one of my favorite authors, even though she'd only written two books. This one is very different from the first two, though just as well-written. Set in Italy during the Nazi occupation (after surrender to the Allies), the novel explores the lives of fictional characters during the turbulent times. In a life-like way, we have no way of knowing if the characters make the "right" decisions for themselves, their families, or the people they are trying to save. I have to admit, I found the book distressing, but that's because it was so real to me. Those were dark days, even for the ones who strove always to keep light alive.

Now, her previous two books are amazing and I highly recommend them: The Sparrow and Children of God. I won't say much about the second book because it's all such a surprise, but I will say that the story is truly incomplete without it. Do not neglect it after reading The Sparrow. In the first of these books, Ms. Russell describes a realistic account of a Jesuit expedition to a new planet, populated with intelligent alien life. Right from the beginning, the reader knows all did not go well, but perhaps some good does come of it...That's the question, of course. (And those of you paying attention earlier might guess that the answer we learn in the first book is only partially true.)

I'm a science fiction fan, and these two books bring science and God together in a lovely and challenging dance. So many science fiction books about intelligent alien life discount God, but what if God has guided intelligent life on more than just Earth? What might our meeting be like? Read these books even if you don't usually indulge yourself with science fiction.

Special thanks to Bill who first introduced me to The Sparrow, just in time for me to read Children of God during those first few weeks of Caleb's life when it was my turn for the midnight to 4 am stint on the couch.

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